Well, I found my wedding dress! 

We went to Bridal Elegance today. It was a different experience than at David's Bridal. The consultant first had us just go through the racks to pick things that I wanted to try on. I wasn't sure if this was the most efficient use of our time, but we did find probably 8 dresses or so. The first two I tried were my favorites and there was another towards the end that went into the "potential" pile. Once I had tried on all the ones we pulled, I asked the consultant if she knew of any others that I might like, so I waited for her to come back. I sat in my little dressing room with a very ruffley dress on, looking at myself in the mirror and really taking in that I was trying on wedding dresses. It was very quiet in there and I'm glad I have those few minutes, because the whole experience seems very fast and overwhelming.

She brought about 4 more and I tried on 3 of the 4. There was in particular that stood out for me, making my total to re-try-on 4. I tried number one and two again from before; the second one became a contender, while the first just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Number 3 I put on again in the dressing room and knew right away that it wasn't as good at number 2. I tried on number 4 again (the one that the consultant had brought in) and knew that it was between number 3 and number 4 at that point. I loved the material of number 3, but I felt better in number 4 and... drumroll... decided o number 4! It was a discontinued dress and I had to purchase the dress that I was trying on. They gave me a discount, which put it in my price range, which was great. It ended up being more than I wanted to spend, but it's the only wedding dress I'll ever wear and it's just money, so I had to do it! I loved it more than any other dress I tried on, even the ones at David's Bridal. I'm so glad that the consultant brought in that dress!!!

So I currently have the dress in my possession! It feels so funny to have it here with me. I can look at it any time I want to, which I love! The dress is quite plain and I'll be buying a sparkly belt for it. It's white and Bridal Elegance doesn't have many belts in white, though the consultant will be ordering the one belt in white that I liked so much so that I can see it. (I'm definitely going to look on ebay and etsy, though, to see if there's anything cheaper because belts are sooo expensive--the one I like is $200!--and that's just ridic.)

I'm so excited!!!


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