For the past 24 hours I've had the horrible feeling that I chose the wrong wedding dress. I really am turning into one of those brides, I fear. But rest assured, the feeling has passed.

We (me, Brooke, Joy, and the girls) are going to look for different flower girl dresses in a couple weekends' time. We chose this one a couple of months ago and I really do still like it, but I see the point that Joy was making. It's shorter on the girls because they're tall and it's not as "flower girly" as it could be; as Joy put it, it looks more like a normal dress than a flower girl dress. My main concern when we were choosing their dress was price--I know it's a lot to spend for two girls. My second concern was the color--I really want the girls in plum to match the bridesmaids' dresses and because I want to be the only one in white. There are very few flower girl dresses that come completely in plum (and none that are long) and so the selection was slim. So I think now we're switching to a white dress for the girls and hopefully we'll be able to find something a little longer with a little more pizzazz so that both the girls and I are happy. If we go with a white dress, we can always add a plum sash to it.

So anyway, long story long, I was looking at the David's Bridal website to see what other flower girl dress options there were when I came across a dress that I tried on. The photo of it on the website is really beautiful and it has a little more going on than my dress does. I love everything about it on the website and so I've been thinking about it since I saw it yesterday. My thoughts were something like this: "I spent too much on the dress I bought!" "The one I got was a sample; I can't return it even if I wanted to!" "That dress doesn't need anything added to it, though! Mine does and that's such a pain!" "Did I choose one that's too boring?" "Maybe I'll just go back to try it on again to make sure I don't love it." "Why did I make this decision so quickly?!" Etc... etc... etc...

I decided to face it further today and look at the pictures of real girls in the dress on the website. I think that those pictures are often more telling of what the dress actually looks like. I'm so glad that I looked at those pictures, because it reminded me of why I truly didn't like it. It's so clear to me now why I didn't choose it and why I like the one I got a lot better.

I can now understand why some girls have huge doubts and go back to pick out another dress. I'm lucky that I actually have my dress in my possession so that I can look at it any time I want; other girls don't see theirs for months and months after they order it. So I'm over wanting that other dress. I'm glad I had this talk with myself.


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