I'm Back and I'm Meow-ied!

Get it... meow-ied?

I had started to write a big ole blog about the wedding right after we got back from Punta Cana. I wanted to add photos to it to correspond with every part of the day, but it proved to be too big a task for what I really wanted to take on at the moment. I let it sit and didn't finish it and then it all started to feel irrelevant, so I decided to delete it today.

Suffice it to say that it was a beautiful, wonderful day.

The honeymoon was pretty awesome too.

Here are a few brief updates:
  • I'm working on changing my name to Sara Bourque on everything. The blog has the new name as the link! It's quite a process, but not as big of a deal as I thought it might be.
  • I feel as though changes are coming to the blog. I have new fonts! It's a start.
  • And with November around the corner, I'm going to start the 30 Days of Lists that happened in September that I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with. So get excited for that, y'all!!!


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