Marriage Monday - Walking Down the Aisle

I've told Philip that I have never been, nor will I ever be, as nervous as I was right before I walked down the aisle. 

It was probably my own fault, listening to the song that I was going to walk in to probably a hundred times, picturing the moments leading up to when it was actually going to happen. And then when it was time, I was both having an out-of-body experience while being acutely aware of myself.

I wanted it to be dramatic, because--c'mon--who doesn't? It's not a moment that I had dreamed about my entire life... I'm not that kind of person. But once we decided we were having a wedding... yes, I did think about it. I liked the fact that the chapel had doors and I wanted to use them. So I had Sheila, my good friend from high school, and the wedding coordinator close the doors after the flower girls walked down. The music played for a little while and then the moment came in the song. Yes--I waited for the right moment in the song. And the doors opened.

And everyone was there. I had forgotten for just a second that people were going to be in there. I remember locking eyes with two people... my friend Evan and Philip's cousin Erik. I made a point to look at each side because I wanted to take in the fact that everyone was there for us.

And then I looked at my husband. And I smiled and laughed and shook my head because it was so unbelievable that it was happening. I cried and breathed heavily. It was incredible. It brings tears to my eyes even now thinking about it.

It was great. And scary. But mostly great. :)

Oh and in the limo later, Trey, Philip's best friend and best man--who happens to be a paramedic--asked me if my hands were tingling and I said, "Yes! I told my dad that my arms were numb right before I walked in!" And he said, "Yeah--you were hyperventilating. I knew it because of the way you were breathing." So yeah... there's a first time for everything. Also, I'm pretty sure Trey is being a blurry creep in the picture above. He is hilariously awkward.

In other Marriage Monday news: Philip is so handy. In the past month he has fixed both the toilet and the kitchen sink. I'm so impressed by his handiness!


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