Gratitude / Happiness Jar

One of my favorite authors is Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote Eat Pray Love. I know a lot of people probably think that book is silly (I mean, the title kind of is), but it's a great book and it really introduced me to her as a writer and I love all of her other books.

Anyway, I follow her on Facebook and Instagram and she's basically just a really inspirational person and makes me want to be better. At the beginning of 2015, she posted a photo of herself with this ginormous glass jar and explained that every day she puts a little note inside this jar about something she's grateful for or happy about on that day. I'm trying to be a more mindful and grateful person and this seemed like a nice, easy, tangible way to give thanks. So I did it for 2015! Well, I tried to do it. I did not do it every day... in fact I have exactly 73 entries out of 365 days. But it's something. Here's what I wrote in no particular order.

Beautiful azalea at Phil & Joy's
England pics up on the wall
Relaxing day at work
Warmer temps and sunshine
$15 spooky tree for mantle
Rollerblading outside and chatting with Philip
Not having jury duty
Sunny day and seeing Elsie
Awesome cupcake
Seeing Golden Globe gowns and a day of nothing
Freshly washed car
Pizza and wanting to hug my husband
The guy at Subway complimenting my winter coat
Russell Stover's chocolate hearts
Hearing dad laugh hilariously
Thin mint cookies and cute Chloe
Smelling lilacs on my bike ride
Lazy day at home
Free pop at Avanti's
Flying above the clouds, feeling like I'm in heaven
Big, beautiful clear full moon
Hanging out with my brother all night and Philip talking
At least 5 compliments on my outfit
Time on Mother's Day (not sure what this one means)
Moe's queso
New, white fireplace!
Free Noodles and frozen yogurt
Time with Dad on Father's Day
Thank you card from Ashleigh
Beautiful sunset
A real "I love you" from Philip
Good pizza from Aurelio's
Perfect punkin patch weather
Being inside when it's super freaking cold outside
Free chai tea
Dogs in the car next door smiling at me
Oprah's Super Soul Sunday
Fast work day
Helping high school students at Wyse
Seeing Philip mid-day
Talking to Michele
Getting a trivia question right at trivia night
Getting a beautiful wedding invitation
Seeing a flock of birds over the street
Beautiful snow on the trees
Watching a show with Philip that we both like
Fixed sump pump with no drama
Changing leaves, beautiful colors, and a massage
Watching Hocus Pocus
Putting up Halloween decorations
Learning about jury duty
Philip having dinner ready when I got home
A lazy day of doing nothing
CornBelters game and laughing with Philip
Free Dunkin!
Chatting and laughing with Ian at work
Found the blanket scarf that I wanted
Walking to the park with Philip's parents and the girls
Philip is in a better mood
Getting thanked by students for helping
A heavenly massage
Birthday time with Philip and fam
Talking to Joy
Water damage not as bad as it could be!
Really laughing with Philip
Sex and the City marathon
Time at home
New Downton Abbey and using Grandma Scheffert's china for tea
Watching Michele be married!
No weekend plans other than Casey's pizza
A blessing in the ER
Putting a party together

And I'm adding one more - today I am grateful that we have enough money to get our furnace fixed and it's not that big of a deal. For some people, that would break the bank.

It's funny and interesting because some of those days I clearly remember and others I don't at all. It really goes to show you how mundane some days really are, but that there is always something to be thankful for and happy about.

I will try to do this again this year. I guess 73 (well, 74 now including today) out of 365 isn't too bad for the first time around. I'll try for 150 for 2016.


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