Book Review - "The White Princess" by Philippa Gregory

Well, I did terrible in 2016 with my book reviews. I think I kind of forgot that I was planning on doing that. The last one I wrote was in May, but I promise I read quite a few books in 2016!

Let's start 2017 off strong with the book I just finished! It's "The White Princess" by Philippa Gregory.

Now don't be put off by the word princess in the book title. That word reminds me of something I would've begged my mom to buy me from the book fair in elementary school. This one is not a fairy tale; in fact, it's based off of true events. Historical fiction is one of my most favoritest book genres and many of Philippa Gregory's books are about English history and the monarchy.

This one follows the story of Henry VII (Tudor), who married Elizabeth of York in 1486. Their union joined the two rival families who both had claims to the English throne. Unfortunately, their enire marriage was plagued by "pretenders"--relatives coming forward and mustering armies in an effort to dethrone him. It was an interesting book about the perils of being royalty during that tumultuous time, particularly from the viewpoint of the queen. I think I had read the book before, but it kept me interested enough to not mind reading it a second time.


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