2017 - Year in Review

This year has undoubtedly been the most fast paced one so far. Like, unbelievably fast. I said numerous times that it seemed as though only half of the amount of time had passed. In August, it felt like April. In October, it felt like June. I'm getting more bummed about how quickly the days, weeks, months, and years are disappearing. I feel like I just got used to writing "2017."

I didn't accomplish much in 2017. I taught some classes and took some classes. I went to work and helped some students. I was not good at all about writing my book reviews. I still like that idea, but, realistically, I know I won't be on top of it. I read 21 books this year, which doesn't sound like much to me. I have the goal of 30 books for 2018!

Generally I feel like this year has been a downer and I hate that it's the second year in a row that I feel that way. There was stress around Philip's job situation. There wasn't much to look forward to. I hope I can get more pumped for 2018.

I wasn't good this year about cataloging my gratitude. I wrote 54 things this year for my gratitude jar; nothing in the months of May or November, weirdly. Randomly, here they are:

Feb 11 - A walk outside in 62 degree weather
April 23 - Deck time
Feb 28 - Dinner with dad
June 28 - Deck time
July 16 - $20 winter coat from JCP
Feb 3 - "First you must toast the muffies" (an inside joke with my brother)
July 2 - Family time at Peggy's
Jan 20 - Katie fitting me in for a hair cut
June 11 - Pool time with Ryan and Chandra
Feb 9 - Finding a Revolutionary War veteran in my family tree
Feb 5 - Sleeping in
Jan 4 - Dunkin
July 23 - Interactions with a fly, a butterfly, a praying mantis, and a bumblebee
March 28 - "Thanks for hanging out. NOT." - Philip (must have been funny)
July 21 - Philip's cute "happy Friday" note with a caramel s'more
Jan 7 - La La Land
Jan 21 - A walk with Peggy in beautiful weather and dinner with Ian and Michelle
Jan 8 - Watching the Golden Globes
March 4 - Chatting with Peggy
Feb 25 - Family tree finds
June 24 - Celebrating Chandra at her bridal shower and hanging out with Peggy
Feb 19 - Petting Blitzen and seeing the Richards
Dec 22 - Quiet gym
Jan 30 - Listening to music all day at work
March 15 - Oogie's!
Aug 26 - Going to the Blackstone Cemetery and visiting with Ryan and seeing a pretty sunset
Feb 4 - Making out (ha)
Dec 26 - A fast oil change
Feb 24 - A quiet day at work
Jan 19 - A real life chat with Ian at work
April 17 - Talk with Philip
June 12 - Playing "Heads Up" with students
Feb 22 - Nice walk on campus
Dec 27 - Having money to pay for car repairs
Feb 17 - Awesome massage and back treatment
June 23 - Beginning of staycation!
Oct 13 - Harry Potter game night
March 10 - Finding out Michelle was offered a job!
Feb 18 - A great walk outside on the trail
June 27 - Time with family on my birthday
June 18 - Time with Dad and Ryan
April 19 - Oogie's (really into Oogie's, I guess)
Feb 10 - Girl Scout cookies
Jan 2 - Blues Winter Classic win!
Feb 26 - Enjoying Hacksaw Ridge
Jan 27 - Cute cupcake at Vinyl & Vino
Dec 21 - Seeing Emerson smile and laugh
Jan 1 - Lazy day
Sept 1 - Gorgeous day!
Dec 25 - Making it to the Bourque's
Jan 28 - Family game night
Dec 27 - My health
June 15 - Short work day at the lake
March 2 - Laughing about Ian having a gun on his chair
Dec 31 - Car working

So the themes seem to be spending time with my family and friends, weather, food, movies, and luxuries. Sounds about right.


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