Sandy's Recipe Book - Three Layer Cookies

Three Layer Cookies

Recipe from: Norma Collins


  • 1 box Club crackers
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 cup crushed graham crackers
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ¼ cup milk
  • ⅔ cup peanut butter
  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • ½ cup butterscotch chips
  • Line a greased 13 x 9 pan with Club crackers
  • Boil sugars, graham cracker crumbs, milk, and butter for 2 minutes
  • Pour over crackers and add another layer of crackers
  • Melt peanut butter and chips together
  • Spread on top of crackers
  • Cool in fridge
  • Cut into squares

This recipe came from my "adopted grandma" -- Norma Collins. She died in 2016 and was the sweetest lady. We would visit Grandma and Grandpa Collins at least once a year at Christmastime when we were kids. I'm surprised we didn't see them more often since they only lived on Jersey Avenue; virtually a few blocks from our house on Irving Street. I always looked forward to and enjoyed our visits with them.

Look at how cute Grandpa & Grandma Collins were!

Norma was the mother-in-law of my mom's best friend, Janice. Janice died from cancer in 1987 and even though I wasn't even 3 years old when she died,  I have a few memories of her. My mom gave me Janice's middle name -- Kaye. It's pretty tragic that Janice died so young at the age of 34.

When I think of our family friends, I'm always amazed at how good my mom was at making and maintaining friendships. I wish I was good at that.

I've never made these cookie bars before and I think I remember my mom making them. The smell of the butterscotch chips reminded me of Christmastime when I was making them.

Kind of an interesting combination -- salty crackers and sweet graham crackers and chocolate. It definitely works! They remind of scotcharoos, if you've ever had those. And it's so rich; a little bit goes a long way. These are super simple to make and I like them better from the fridge instead of room temperature.

I miss you and love you, Grandma and Grandpa Collins! And Janice and momma too.


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