I just read over the majority of my blog posts from this year... ya know, to kind of reminisce about what's happened, seeing as it's New Year's Eve. That's why I love having this thing; I'm able to go back and see what happened and what I have considered and learned this past year. It's just fun. Clearly, the majority of what I wrote about was the journey to and at Cambridge. I'm happy that I cataloged all of that. (I think if I do a scrapbook of my time there I'm going to include some of my blog entries about it. It will be a useful tool if I decide to do that.) My journey there included much amazement that it was actually happening and I think I still feel that way. I can't believe that I was actually there and did that. I wonder if I'll always feel that way. I wrote a list of the things I wanted to do while I was there in my March 21 entry. Here it is in full, with the things I did do bolded. Things I need to go/see in England: - Burghl...
Showing posts from December, 2010
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I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with all of my extra time when I have it. The past three days I have been incredibly bored. This entire week I have had no plans; none at all. It's so strange to literally sit around all day and do nothing. I have watched movie after movie, both on my new tv and on Netflix on the computer. I started reading a book too. But I'm still so bored . With that boredom comes eating way too much. It is ridiculous how much food I have consumed. The insanity has got to stop, and it will... hopefully beginning tomorrow. I've been thinking the past few days how nice it would be if the new student fitness center was open on campus so that I could do something productive like work out, but no. It doesn't open until January 10. Speaking of lots of food, I was up early enough this morning to get McDonald's for breakfast. This occasion rarely happens (not being up early enough, but just having McDonald's for breakfast). My sa...
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I've been looking for a dress and shoes to wear to graduation for probably months now. (Is it too early?) Anyway, I've always loved espadrille shoes, but have no practical reason to own a pair. They are pretty vacation-y, but I think buying some for graduation might be a good idea... These are $170, but I just love them and want them so bad . We'll see if I can find some for about $50 instead.
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Christmas is over. I can't believe it! Everything just happens too quickly. Interestingly, though, it also feels like it was a million years ago. I had a really fun couple of days. Philip and I did Christmas the same as normal, even though we weren't sure if it was going to work out. So I went to Hanna City for Christmas Eve. His family did things a little differently this year and their festivities were on that night. It was fun; his nieces opened their presents and we played some games and played out in the freshly fallen snow. Woke up Christmas morning at the Bourque's and opened presents with his parents, then made the drive home to get ready to go to my aunt's in Towanda. Ate good food there, opened tons of gifts (too many), made a pit stop at my cousin's house to see his new puppy and Wii, and then came back here to have our (me and Philip's) Christmas together. I got so much stuff; it was ridiculous. I am truly spoiled... especially by my boyfriend who ...
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I recently read this book for class and it got me thinking a lot about myself. Ironically. Because the book is all about how those of us in this generation were raised to think we're super special and unique and, therefore, have really high self-esteem and can border on being narcissistic at times. It also talked about how we have very high expectations for our lives (in terms of making money, having a movie-like relationship, and generally feeling fulfilled in every realm of life), but don't necessarily put the work into meeting those expectations because we don't feel like we have to (because we're super special and unique). We then become depressed when life doesn't meet our expectations. It was just really good and gave me a lot to think about. So the semester is completely over for me now and I am oh-so-happy about that. I got As in all three classes, which also makes me happy. Work is over for a solid two weeks, but I think I'm going to go into He...
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I had two disappointments while at the mall this evening. The first was my "snack size" purchase of spiced pecans at the Bavarian nut counter. I must say that their "snack size" has been severely downsized from last year. I paid $2.50 for about a big handful of spiced pecans. Rip off. The other was more than a disappointment. It was more of a pissed-off-to-the-point-of-wanting-to-call-the-company-and-complain experience. I had bought something at Spencer's. I haven't bought anything in there for about 8 years, let alone stepped foot in the store. Don't ask why I did it this time--I was literally checking every store in the mall for this thing I wanted to buy. Anyway, I bought the thing, but about 15 minutes later was having regret about it, so I took it back. First, the guy was telling me that they don't allow returns on the thing I wanted to take back. I kindly said, "But I was in here like, 15 minutes ago." He said he remembered me and ...
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A gentleman with an accent came up to the advising desk yesterday morning at Heartland. I quietly and cordially asked him if I could ask where he was from and he said England. And then I asked if I could ask where at in England and he said Liverpool. And I told him that I was there over the summer, in Cambridge, doing an internship. He had no interest in my story and I was bummed. I really wanted to talk England with him and ask him why he was here, of all places, but he just wasn't having it. :(
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(I got this super cute countdown calendar from Hallmark. I just love it. It's all magnetic and it's on my fridge. The little shapes are magnetic too--you remove one each day. So adorable!) I just cannot believe that it's December! I'm quite excited for Christmas, though. For some reason I've been more into Christmas this year... even before Halloween I was excited for it, which isn't like me at all. (We all know how I love Halloween! It's my fav!) I don't know why I seem to be more excited than normal, though. I think it might be because of the break. That alone would do it, I suppose. I am also sad for Christmas this year, because unfortunately I have significantly less money and, therefore, can't buy as many gifts as I would like. I know that it's not all about the gifts, but I just like giving presents and not being able to buy everyone everything that I want (or at least as much as I have in recent years) makes me sad. This Satu...