
Showing posts from September, 2011
Today's List (Day 30): I'm Happiest When... 1. I'm comfortable--physically (in clothing that is flattering, cute, and/or fits well), emotionally and mentally (when I have good self-esteem, am present in the moment, and know who I am and to whom I belong), and socially (with one individual or a small group that I have a lot in common with and/or can be myself) 2. I have something to look forward to 3. Things are planned out well in advance 4. I'm with my fiance (ha! fiance!), my family, or close friends 5. I have alone time 6. My mind is intellectually stretched (i.e. when I have things to think about that I haven't thought about before) 7. I feel confident in my abilities and am receiving good feedback 8. I'm making people proud or happy I'm kind of glad that these lists are over because I just wasn't feeling it this time around. I had to finish it, though, because once I have a goal, I accomplish it!
I've been quite unexcited about the lists lately, that's why it's taken me so long to get to this weeks'. Tuesday's List (Day 27): My Over-Used Words and Phrases 1. Right 2. Yeah 3. Oh, honey... 4. Nice 5. Totally Yesterday's List (Day 28): If I Ruled the World... 1. Everyone would get along (obviously) 2. Everyone would have food, shelter, clothing, access to good education, and at least a living wage 3. Free ice cream for everyone! Today's List (Day 29): What Was Awesome About This Month 1. Uhh... GETTING ENGAGED! There's nothing more awesome, so I'll stop there.
I'm so behind on lists because of all the engagement excitement! Friday's List (Day 23): If I Won the Lottery, I'd... 1. Buy a house 2. Buy a car (a new, white Mini Cooper) 3. Pay off Philip's debt 4. Buy Philip the car of his dreams 5. Have a huge, beautiful wedding! 6. Go on an extravagant honeymoon 7. Open up a hockey shop that Philip could manage 8. Probably quit my job, but maybe not 9. Travel the world 10. Buy everyone that I know all sorts of stuff and donate a whole bunch to charity Saturday's List (Day 24): Things I Like To Do When I'm Sick I don't often get sick. It's very rare. But I guess when I do, all I like to do is stay in my pjs, cuddle up on the couch with a blankie, watch tv that I don't get to watch during the day, and drink tea. Yesterday's List (Day 25): Things To Do Before My Next Birthday 1. Enjoy being engaged 2. All sorts of wedding planning! 3. Work work work Today's List (Day 26): ...
It actually happened and is actually happening! We're engaged and we're gonna get married! I'm so happy, excited, and lucky!!! It was probably the cutest possible proposal for us that he could've thought of. To make a long story short (and trust me, I want to retell the whole thing moment-by-moment a hundred times and am excited to do so!), he took me to a spot in the country outside of Peoria that we had randomly visited when we first started dating eight years ago. It's an old quarry and has a big cliff with a lake down below and is just really pretty countryside. We climbed up the hill, he said some very sweet things to me, offered me marriage and this gorgeous ring and I, of course, said yes. It was so surreal and special! We probably could've hugged all night up there, but we had a reservation at 309 in Peoria and so we had to go. We were also trespassing, so we didn't want to get caught! :P All night at dinner we just kept laughing and smiling and...
Today's List (Day 22): Things I Am Feeling Right Now I totally just made up this list because today's actual list was "Ways to Avoid Doing Homework" and I no longer have homework, so I don't want to think about it anymore. 1. Annoyed that I'm so annoyed 2. Lucky that I have a job 3. Excited that it's almost Friday 4. Excited that a new Grey's Anatomy is on tonight 5. Happy that I get to see and hug my boyfriend tomorrow
Chloe survived the vet just fine. When it was time to leave this morning, she was hanging out in her carrier, as if she wanted to go. She didn't, though. She started meowing at me--asking me what the heck was going on--as soon as we went outside. Luckily, there was only one dog in the waiting room, so she was fairly calm. The appointment took all of five minutes and we were back home at 8:20. (Our appointment was 8:15.) She was super cuddly to me after we got home, so she obviously forgave me for the temporary crisis. She is so soft; I wish I could sleep on her like a pillow. That sounds so weird, but she's comfy! I love her. She's my fav creature in all the land. We are bffs.
I'm currently reading a book that my brother told me about and lent to me. It's called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter . I have to admit that I was leery about this book. Though I am a fan of both Abraham Lincoln and tales about vampires (really the only books about vampires I've read are the Twilight series, but I do tend to also enjoy movie depictions of them, such as Van Helsing ), I just wasn't quite sure about this one. The cover, for one thing, turned me off. I mean, c'mon. It seemed too cheesy for me or something. I was concerned that right away I'd be rolling my eyes and/or bored, but I was so wrong about it. After about five pages, I was really interested. It's based on Lincoln's "secret diaries" and the way it's written really makes you think that this could have happened. It also has a lot of history tied to it, which always peaks my interest. While looking for a picture of the book cover, I discovered that it's being...
Today's List (Day 21): TV Shows I Wish Would Come Back  
Today's List (Day 20): My Dream Space Would Include... 1. Dark hardwood floors 2. A colorful rug 3. Big, white baseboards and crown molding 4. A calming wall color like grayish-blue or mocha brown 5. Lots of windows to let that sunshine in :) 6. High ceilings 7. Dark wood furniture 8. Comfy fabrics--probably a big ole couch and two small, stylish chairs 9. Eclectic accessories 10. A home-y feel that represents me (or us, when we live together) -------------------- Today I had to wake up at 5:00 am to go to a community college articulation conference at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, which is about an hour and 50 minutes from here. Matthew was supposed to go with me, but he was sick all weekend, so I ended up going by myself. I got to use a Heartland vehicle (Honda Civic Hybrid--with the HCC logo on the side and everything!), so that was fun. Driving in the fog at 6:00 am and in the dark, however, was not. It wasn't that bad; I survived and got th...
Today's List (Day 19): Inventions I Wish Were Real 1. Hermione's Time Turner. 2. Food that burns calories (ha!). 3. A teleporter? Really just some sort of contraption where I'm here one moment and then miles away the next. This would eliminate travel time and I'd be able to see my boyfriend every day and go to the beach whenever I wanted. (Is that what a teleporter is?) -------------------- I'm feeling kind of weird today... like really anti-social. So... update on the office situation: It's going to be six weeks until I can move into my new office. I was hoping it was going to be sooner, but it won't happen until the renovations on the other side of the office suite are done because the cashier is currently occupying the space that will be my office. I was so confused because she moved in--and I mean, really moved in. Even though it's temporary, she was unpacking decorations and pictures and arranging things as if she was going to be ther...
Yesterday's List (Day 17): Fictional Characters I Love There are so many characters that I am just in love with and always will be. They are the ones that I am emotionally attached to, that I can see myself in. I have invested a lot of time and energy--and probably tears--into these characters and that's why they mean so much to me! Hermione because she always reminded me of myself Barney, Robin, Ted, Lily, and Marshall. I wish I had a group of friends like this. Twilight characters Charlotte, Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha--each other's soul mates. We've all been through a lot together. Forrest Gump because everyone needs to be a little more like him. Noah and Allie for their simple, but passionate, love. -------------------- Today's List (Day 18): A Few of My Favorite Things 1. Philip (hugging him) 2. Chloe (kissing her on the top of her head in between her ears ) 3. Storms (the real kind with high winds and hail that scares you a little bit even...
Today's List (Day 16): Dream Jobs The one I always automatically think of when I think "dream job" is what Samantha Brown does for a living, which is travel the world and tell people about how amazing it is on television. I would love to have her job. She has seen and done so many things; I am incredibly jealous of her. I also would love to be an author if I were creative enough and could think of stories. Having that lifestyle would be inspiring for me. I think that I would be good at being a book editor, which might still have some of the creativeness that I crave. Owning a store of some kind would be fun, but I'm not interested in anything enough to want to sell it or be around it all the time. The exact job that I have now is one that I have thought about since the beginning of college, so I feel lucky that I am where I am. It's all come full-circle for me, so in that way, I have kind of fulfilled a dream. :)
I've decided that I no longer like myself with long hair. I may feel this way because it seems as though my hair has been in the in-between short/long phase for like... ever. I don't like it at medium length, I know that much. I think that having this length of hair makes my head look even smaller than it actually is and I have a pretty small noggin. I'm not going to cut it short again for awhile, though. I need to have something to work with should I be planning some sort of event that requires me to look glamorous in the coming year. After that, though, Imma probably hack it back off.
Today's List (Day 15): Never Have I Ever... 1. Broken a bone or had stitches 2. Lived anywhere other than home (Well, besides England for two months.) 3. Been to prom 4. Seen the show LOST 5. Had a pedicure (Plz don't touch my feet.) 6. Adequately rolled my Rs, like you do when you speak Spanish 7. Been taken to the hospital in an ambulance or been taken to the ER 8. Been seriously depressed 9. Been fired from a job 10. Driven a stick-shift
Today's List (Day 14): My Favorite Outfits To Wear Work clothing-wise... maybe what I'm wearing today? I guess if I had a camera and/or cared enough, I might take a picture of it. But alas, I do not have a camera nor do I care that much. So here's a description: a colorful patterned high-waisted skirt, a tan scoopneck tank top, white boyfriend cardigan, brown chunky belt, and tan flats. Generally I am pleased with any outfit that mixes and matches traditional clothing items with things that are more unique, and whenever I can add interesting jewelry, I am all the more happy. I don't like to go too over the top with style quirkiness, though sometimes I wish I had that kind of personality. I do like to wear things that everyone else might not wear. I also wish that I had unlimited resources so that I could have all sorts of unique things to wear (i.e. expensive things!). I do love clothing and accessories! If I don't care about fashion at the moment, my favor...
It probably should've never been suggested to me that I might think about getting a new car. At first, I never considered it, but now I'm thinking about it more and more. Initially the idea was silly to me--my little '98 Cavalier is doing just fine for the most part and she only has about 75k miles. This past year, though, she's been in the shop three times. The idea of possibly making a commute from Morton or Deer Creek every day with a car that might not be all that reliable scares me. So... there's the whole safety issue. The other part of me also just likes the idea of having something new. I've driven that car for 10 years. Is it time for something different? The payment thing definitely freaks me out a bit. Moving in with Philip will undoubtedly have unforeseen costs. Can I afford a car payment on top of it? I've done a little bit of number crunching and I feel like I'd be okay. The car won't be brand new (I'm currently looking at 2005-...
Yesterday's List (Day 12): Things That Motivate Me 1. Thinking about the finished product 2. Making people happy/proud 3. Knowing that I'll be appreciated Today's List (Day 13): Things I Do When I'm Procrastinating Procrastinating comes natural to me. It is one of my talents. 1. Sit on Facebook for hours 2. Sit on Pinterest for hours 3. Surf the net, in general 4. Watch tv 5. Basically anything in order to not do what I need to do Oh, procrastinating. Fun times. I am underwhelmed by the lists lately. Hopefully they'll get better!
I've spent a little time today watching the stuff about 9/11 on tv. I think it's important to take the time to be reverent and humble about it. The thing that gets me every time are the phone calls that people made to their loved ones from the planes or inside the buildings. They knew that their planes were hijacked and that something terrible was going to happen to them. I can't imagine leaving that kind of voicemail or having that last conversation. How in the world do you convey how you feel in that moment? All of them sound surprisingly calm, as if they were already resigned to their fate. They all were definitely braver than I would be.
Today's List (Day 11): Favorite Things About This Time of Year 1. It's starting to feel like fall, which is probably my favorite season! 2. All the pumpkin and Halloween stuff is going to be in stores soon (if it isn't already)! 3. I always liked the start of the school year. It feels a little different this time around, but I'm happy that I'll always be around the feeling of the beginning of school! 4. It's almost Philip birthday! 5. I can watch Hocus Pocus in a few weeks! So many exclamation points, but I really do love this time of the year!!! -------------------- I'm excited because at work on Friday we talked about all of the office switching that will take place soon. I'll be moving out of the corner office that I've been occupying since I started to a smaller office that doesn't have windows. I knew that the time would come and I'm fine with it; I feel lucky to have the job and even have an office. I'll definitely ...
Today's List (Day 10): At This Moment... I am happy. I am calm. I am relaxed. I am full (just got done with lunch at Cosi). My foot is falling asleep. I am kinda bored...
Today's List (Day 9): Weekend Plans 1. Have a lazy Friday night with my boyfriend, which will probably entail eating dinner at a restaurant and watching old episodes of Ghost Hunters . 2. Go to Emily's Uppercase Living party, which is all of those inspirational (and sometimes cheesy) quotes that people put on their walls. I guess it also includes a line of jewelry, which is what I'm mostly interested in. 3. Do more hanging out with my boyfriend. 4. Do more general laziness. 5. Wish that it was another three day weekend.
Today's List (Day 8): Things That Remind Me of My Childhood There are probably a ton of things, day after day, that remind me of my childhood. Instead of racking my brain to come up with things, I'm going to change this post a little... to "Things That I Remember Most Vividly From Every Age (By Elementary School Year)," because that's way easier. Preschool My first "boyfriend," Bryan. Being made of fun by the girls because I wore undershirts and they would say I was wearing a bra. Looking back I can't believe that this happened in preschool... I mean, I was like 4 and 5 years old! I also remember the little "programs" that we put on for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Kindergarten Playing on the monkey bars that we had in our classroom. (Do kindergarten classrooms still have monkey bars?) Wearing my little monitor to school to detect that I had a heart murmur. (I have a double heart murmur, in fact.) Some boy looking up my ski...
Today's List (Day 7): I'm Not Very Good At... 1. Drawing 2. Cooking (though I hope I am someday) 3. Small talk 4. Board games (trivia, strategy, being creative on the fly, etc...) 5. Math
Today's List (Day 6): Favorite Color Combinations These are my favorites right now. Some of them probably feel like they don't go together, but when I look at them I get calm and happy. Kelly green and turqouise Tangerine and red Yellow, gray, and tan Navy blue and lime Dusty purple and cream
Today's List (Day 5): I Need an App for: 1. Pinterest in every day life That's it. I don't do the app thing, nor do I have any interest in it. I thought about skipping today's list altogether because this is all I could come up with. Lame, I know. Until tomorrow...
Today's List (Day 4): Things To Do Today 1. Eat lunch at Panera with my high school friend, Sheila, who's in town from Las Vegas for Labor Day! 2. Go to the mall and do some birthday shopping for Phaleep / some other random shopping for fun 3. Laundry 4. Watch tv 5. Be lazy, in general :)
Today's List (Day 3): People I Love 1. PWB 2. My daddy 3. My brother bear 4. My aunt Peggy 5. Chlochlo I love lots of other people too. Most people, in fact.
Today's List (Day 2): I'm Proud of Myself For... 1. Graduating college and grad school (I'm first in my immediate family and one of two in my entire family to do so--my Grandma Scheffert being the other.) 2. Going to England for a summer (It took a lot of courage for me to go there without knowing a soul.) 3. Having an eight year relationship with Philip (I'm proud of us . And I love us.) 4. Feeling sort of accomplished at age 27 5. Knowing myself as well as I do at age 27 -------------------- I am sooooo ready for this three day weekend. After this week, boy, am I ready...
So the situation with the parent has been, I guess, about 75% resolved. Cecilia did some investigating and it sounds like the whole thing was pretty much pointless (the student doesn't even need the class?!). I'm annoyed and frustrated because the mother took a completely different angle with Cecilia, which probably makes me look worse. Cecilia reassured me that I did fine and that I shouldn't worry about it. I still feel awful; that mother said some very hurtful things that will probably stick with me for awhile. I still feel like crying about the whole thing. I hate feeling incompetent, but the thing that's worse is that I'm worried that Cecilia doesn't think I'm a good advisor. She doesn't know me well enough to know that I care, that I listen, and that I'm patient and understanding. All she knows is what she hears from other people and, unfortunately, this parent probably had a lot of bad things to say about me, which really just came from a pl...
Today, this first day of September, is the start of the newest 30 Days of Lists. I guess you have to pay to view the blog and know what each day's list is? I'm clearly not doing that (my $6 could be spent more wisely), so I searched the 'net until I found someone's blog that is participating. So I'm following that person now and I'll be able to know what each day's list is. So scandalous. With that being said... Today's List (Day 1): Goals for This Month 1. Get into better shape / start exercising again (I could stand to lose about 5-8 pounds and now that I'm on a normal schedule at work, I'll be able to work out in the Student Fitness Center most nights.) 2. Hopefully find a place to move into with Philip 3. Live every day without wishing for the future (I feel like I spend too much of my life thinking about how things will hopefully be someday, i.e. when I'm on a vacation, when I move in with Phil, when we can start our life ...